Distinguished Professor

Department of Economics
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0508

(858) 534-3383 office
(858) 534-7040 fax


Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 1985.
M.A., University of California, Berkeley, Department of Statistics, 1985.
M.A., George Washington University, School of Public and International Affairs, 1980.
B.A., Mississippi State University, French/Political Science, 1977.

One Page Biography

Curriculum Vitae (PDF)

General Contingent Valuation/Choice Modelling Papers

“Frontiers in Modelling Discrete Choice Experiments: A Benefit-Transfer Perspective,”

Carson, Richard T., Jordan J. Louviere, John M. Rose, and Joffre Swait (In: Robert Johnston, John Rolfe, Randy Rosenberger, and Roy Brouwer, eds., Benefit Transfer of Environmental and Resource Values: A Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners, Springer, 2015)


Consequentiality: A Theoretical and Experimental Exploration of a Single Binary Choice,”

Carson, Richard T., Theodore Groves and John A. List,

(Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2014.)


 The Discrete Choice Experiment Approach to Environmental Contingent Valuation,”

Carson, Richard T. and Mikolaj Czajkowski In: Stephane Hess and Andrew Daly, eds.

 Handbook of Choice Modelling (Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2014)


Contingent Valuation: A Practical Alternative When Prices Aren't Available,”

Carson, Richard T. (Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2012)


“A Common Nomenclature for Stated Preference Approaches,”

Carson, Richard T. and Jordan J. Louviere (Environmental and Resource Economics, 2011)


“Incentive and Information Properties of Preference Questions: Commentary and Extensions,”

Carson, Richard T. and Ted Groves in Jeff Bennett, ed., International Handbook of Non-Market Environmental Valuation

(Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2011)


“Discrete Choice Experiments Are Not Conjoint Analysis,”

Louviere, Jordan J., Terry N. Flynn and Richard T. Carson (Journal of Choice Modelling, 2010)

"Incentive and Informational Properties of Preference Questions"
Carson, Richard T. and Theodore Groves (Environmental and Resource Economics, 2007)

“Contingent Valuation”

Carson, Richard T. and W. Michael Hanemann (Handbook of Environmental Economics, K.G. Maler and J.R. Vincent, eds. (North Holland, 2005)


Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques: A Manual

Bateman, Ian, Richard T. Carson Brett Day, W. Michael Hanemann, Nick Hanley, Tannis Hett, Michael Jones-Lee, Graham Loomes, Susana Mourato, Ece Özdemiroglu, David  Pearce, Robert Sugden, and John Swanson

(Edward Elgar, 2002)


"Contingent Valuation: Controversies and Evidence"
Carson, Richard T., Nicholas E. Flores and Norman F. Meade (Environmental and Resource Economics, 2001)


“Contingent Valuation,”

Carson, Richard T. In: Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes, eds. International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (Pergamon, 2001)


"Contingent Valuation: A User's Guide"
Carson, Richard T. (Environmental Science & Technology, 2000)

"The Theory and Measurement of Passive Use Value,"

Carson, Richard T., Nicholas E. Flores and Robert Cameron Mitchell) in I.J. Bateman and K.G. Willis, eds., Valuing Environmental Preferences: Theory and Practice of the Contingent Valuation Method in the US, EC, and Developing Countries (Oxford University Press, 1999)


"Valuation of Tropical Rainforest: Philosophical and Practical Issues in the Use of Contingent Valuation,"

Carson, Richard T. (Ecological Economics, 1998)


"Contingent Valuation and Revealed Preference Methodologies: Comparing the Estimates for Quasi-Public Goods,"

Carson, Richard T., Nicholas E. Flores, Kerry M. Martin and Jennifer L. Wright (Land Economics, 1996)


"Constructed Markets,"

Carson, Richard T. In John Braden and Charles Kolstad, eds., Measuring the Demand for Environmental Commodities (Amsterdam: North‑Holland, 1991)


Using Surveys to Value Public Goods: The Contingent Valuation Method

Mitchell, Robert Cameron and Richard T. Carson (Resources for the Future, 1989)


Individual Contingent Valuation/DCE Studies

“Who Should Get the Scarce ICU Bed? The US Public’s View on Triage in the Time of COVID-19,”

Cardenas, Helen, Richard T. Carson, W. Michael Hanemann, Jordan J. Louviere and Dale Whittington (Emergency Room Medicine, 2022)


The Existence Value of a Distinctive Native American Culture: Survival of the Hopi Reservation,”

Carson, Richard T. W. Michael Hanemann and Dale Whittington (Environmental and Resource Economics, 2020)


“Demand for Green Refueling Infrastructure,”

Sheldon, Tamara L., J.R. DeShazo and Richard T. Carson (Environmental and Resource Economics, 2019)


“Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Vehicle Demand: Lessons for an Emerging Market,” (and Tamara L. Sheldon, J.R. DeShazo and Richard T. Carson (Economic Inquiry, 2017)


Putting a Value on Injuries to Natural Assets: The BP Oil Spill,”

Bishop, Richard C., Kevin J. Boyle, Richard T. Carson, David Chapman, W. Michael Hanemann, W.M., Barbara Kanninen, Raymond J. Kopp, Jon A. Krosnick, John List, Norman Meade, Robert Paterson, Stanley Presser, V. Kerry Smith, Roger Tourangeau, Michael Welsh, Jeffrey M. Wooldridge, Matthew DeBell, Colleen Donovan, Matthew Konopka, and Nora Scherer (Science, 2017)


 “Designing Policy Incentives for Cleaner Technologies: Lessons from California's Plug-in Electric Vehicle Rebate Program,”

DeShazo, J.R.,Tamara L. Sheldon and Richard T. Carson (Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2017)


 “Using the Delphi Method to Value Protection of the Amazon Rainforest,”

Jon Strand, Richard T. Carson, Ståle Navrud, Ariel Ortiz Bobea, and Jeffrey R. Vincent (Ecological Economics, 2017)


“Valuing Shifts in the Distribution of Visibility in Class I Visibility Areas,”

Boyle, Kevin, Robert Paterson, Richard T. Carson, Christopher Leggett, Barbara Kanninen, and John Molenar (Journal of Environmental Management, 2016)


“Incorporating Local Visitor Valuation Information into the Design of New Recreation Sites in Tropical Forests,”

Carson, Richard T., J.R. DeShazo, Kurt A. Schwabe, Jeffrey R. Vincent, and Ismariah Ahmade (Ecological Economics, 2015)


Designing and Implementing Surveys to Value Tropical Forests: A Malaysian Application,”

DeShazo, J.R., Richard T. Carson, Kurt A. Schwabe, Jeffrey R. Vincent, Ismariah Ahmade, Chong Siew Kook and Chang Yii Tan  (Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 2015).


Tropical Countries May Be Willing to Pay More to Protect Their Forests,” 

Vincent, Jeffery R., Richard T. Carson, J.R. Deshazo, Kurt A. Schwabe Ismariah Ahma, Chong Siew Kook, Chang Y. Tan and Matthew D. Potts (Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 2014)


“The Influence of Rebate Programs on the Demand for Water Heaters: The Case of New South Wales,”

Wasi, Nada and Richard T. Carson (Energy Economics, 2013)


“Preliminary Valuation of a Cultural Heritage Site of Global Significance: A Delphi Contingent Valuation Study,”

Carson, Richard T., Michael B. Conaway Ståle Navrud in Ilde Rizzo and Anna Mignosa, eds., Handbook on the Economics of Cultural Heritage (Edward Elgar, 2013)


 An Assessment of the Non-market Benefits of the Water Framework Directive for Households in England and Wales,”

Metcalfe, Paul, William Baker, Kevin Andrews, Giles Atkinson, Ian Bateman, Sara Butler, Richard T. Carson, Jo East, Yves Gueron, Rob Sheldon and Kenneth Train

(Water Resources Research, 2012)


 “Structuring Australia's Climate Change Plan: The Public's Views,”

Carson, Richard T., Jordan J. Louviere and Edward Wei (Energy Policy, 2010)


"Contingent Valuation and Lost Passive Use: Damages from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill,"

Carson, Richard T., Robert Cameron Mitchell, W. Michael Hanemann, Raymond J. Kopp, Stanley Presser and Paul A. Ruud (Environmental and Resource Economics, 2003)


"Public Preferences Toward Environmental Risks: The Case of Trihalomethanes"
Carson, Richard T. and Robert Cameron Mitchell In A. Alberini, D. Bjornstad, and J.R. Kahn, eds., Handbook of Contingent Valuation (Edward Elgar, 2006)


Valuing Oil Spill Prevention: A Case Study of California’s Central Coast

Carson, Richard T., Michael B. Conaway, W. Michael Hanemann, Jon A. Krosnick, Robert C. Mitchell and Stanley Presser (Springer, 2004). NOTE: book has CD with word version of questionnaire, auxiliary forms and visual aids, and full dataset.


“Economic Benefits to Foreigners Visiting Morocco Accruing from the Rehabilitation of the Fes Medina”

Carson, Richard T. and Robert Cameron Mitchell and Michael B. Conaway in Stale Navrud and Richard C. Ready, eds., Valuing Cultural Heritage: Applying Environmental Valuation Techniques to Historic Buildings, Monuments and Artifacts (Edward Elgar, 2002)


 “Population-Based Time Preferences for Future Health Outcomes,”

Ganiats, Theodore G., Richard T. Carson, Robert M. Hamm, Scott B. Cantor, Walton Sumner, Stephen J. Spann, Michael D. Hagen, and Christopher Miller (Medical Decision Making, 2000)


Prospective Interim Lost Use Value Due to PCB and DDT Contamination in the Southern California Bight

Carson, Richard T., W. Michael Hanemann, Raymond J. Kopp, Jon A. Krosnick, Robert C. Mitchell, Stanley Presser, Paul A. Ruud,and V. Kerry Smith (Report to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1994)


"Valuing the Preservation of Australia's Kakadu Conservation Zone,”

                        Carson, Richard T., Leanne Wilks and David Imber (Oxford Economic Papers, 1994)


"The Value of Clean Water: The Public's Willingness to Pay for Boatable, Fishable, and Swimmable Quality Water,"

Carson, Richard T. and Robert Cameron Mitchell (Water Resources Research, 1993)


"The Grand Canyon Visibility Benefits Study,"

Balson, William, Richard T. Carson and Robert Mitchell In Proceedings of the 84th Annual Air and Waste Management Association Meeting (Air and Waste Management Association, 1991)


"Valuing Air Quality Improvements: Simulating a Hedonic Pricing Equation in the Context of a Contingent Valuation Scenario,"

Carson, Richard T., Robert Cameron Mitchell and Paul Ruud In C.V. Mathai, ed. Visibility and Fine Particulates (Air and Waste Management Association, 1990)


“Contingent Valuation Estimate of the Value of Kenai King Salmon”

Carson, Richard T., W. Michael Hanemann and Dan Steinberg (Journal of Behavioral Economics, 1990)


"Existence Values for Groundwater Protection,"

Mitchell, Robert Cameron and Richard T. Carson (Report to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1989)


"The Use of Simulated Political Markets to Value Public Goods,"

Carson, Richard T., W. Michael Hanemann and Robert Cameron Mitchell (Discussion Paper 87-7, Department of Economics, University of California, San Diego, 1987)


Econ Theoretical and Statistical Methodological Issues

Volumetric Choice Experiments,”

Carson, Richard T., Thomas C. Eagle, Towhid Islam, and Jordan J. Louviere (Journal of Choice Modelling,  2022)


“The Usefulness of Socio-demographic Variables in Predicting Purchase Decisions: Evidence from Machine Learning Procedures (MLPs),”

Islam, Towhid, Nigel Meade, Richard T. Carson, Jordan J. Louviere and J.J. Wang (Journal of Business Research, 2022).


 “Modeling Stockpilable Product Purchase Decisions Using Volumetric Choice Experiments,”

Carson, Richard T., Towhidul Islam and Jordan J. Louviere (Proceedings of the 21st Annual Sawtooth Software Conference, Sawtooth Software, 2020).


“A New Baseline Model for Estimating Willingness to Pay from Discrete Choice Models,”

Carson, Richard T. and Mikolaj Czajkowski  (Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2019)


 “Estimation of Broad-Scale Tradeoffs in Community Policing Policies,”

Carson, Richard T. and Jordan J. Louviere (Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 2017)


"Possible Design-Induced Artefacts Associated with Designs for Discrete Choice,” Experiments,” Ribeiro, Tiago, Richard T. Carson, Jordan J. Louviere and John M. Rose (Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 2017)


“When the Ayes Don’t Have It: Supplementing an Accept/ Reject DCE with a Case 2 Best-Worst Scaling Task,”

Carson, Richard T. and Jordan J. Louviere In: Best-Worst Scaling: Theory, Methods and Applications,” in Jordan J. Louviere, Terry N. Flynn, and A.A.J. Marley, eds., Best-Worst Scaling: Theory, Methods and Applications, Cambridge University Press, 2015)


“Statistical Properties of Consideration Sets,”

Carson, Richard T. and Jordan J. Louviere (Journal of Choice Modelling, 2014)


“Sequential Preference Questions: Factors Influencing Completion Rates and Response Times Using An Online Panel,”

Louviere, Jordan J., Richard T. Carson, Leonie Burgess, A.A.J. Marley, Deborah Street, (Journal of Choice Modelling, 2013)


 Ordering Effects and Choice Set Awareness in Repeat-Response Stated Preference Studies,”

Day, Brett, Ian J. Bateman, Richard T. Carson, Diane Dupont, Jordan J. Louviere, Sanae Morimoto, Riccardo Scarpa and Paul Wang (Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2012)


“Experimental Design and the Estimation of Willingness to Pay In Choice Experiments For Health Policy Evaluation,”

Carson, Richard T. and Jordan J. Louviere in Philip Clarke, Emma Frew, Jordan Louviere and Emma McIntosh, eds., Applied Methods of Cost-Benefit Analysis in Health Care (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010)


“A Cautionary Note on Designing Discrete Choice Experiments: A Comment on Lusk and Norwood’s 'Effect of Experiment Design on Choice-Based Contingent Valuation Estimates',”

Carson, Richard T., Jordan Louviere and Nada Wasi (American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2009)


“The Tobit Model With A Non-Zero Threshold,”

Carson, Richard T. and Yixiao Sun, (Econometrics Journal, 2007)


“Recent Progress on Endogeneity in Choice Modeling,”

Louviere, Jordan J., Kenneth Train, Moshe Ben-Akiva, Chandra Bhat, David Brownstone, Trudy Ann Cameron, Richard T. Carson, J.R.  DeShazo, Denzil Fiebig, William Greene, David Hensher, and Donald Waldman (Marketing Letters, 2005)


 “The Impact of “No Opinion” Response Options on Data Quality: Non-Attitude Reduction or an Invitation to Satisfice?,”

Krosnick, Jon A., Allyson Holbrook, Matthew K. Berent, Richard T. Carson, W. Michael Hanemann, Raymond J. Kopp, Robert Cameron Mitchell, Paul A. Ruud, V. Kerry Smith, Wendy R. Moody, Melanie C. Green, and Michael Conaway (Public Opinion Quarterly, 2002)


“Dissecting the Random Component,”

Jordan Louviere, Deborah Street, Richard T. Carson, Andrew Ainslie, J. R. Deshazo, Trudy Cameron, David Hensher, Robert Kohn and Tony Marley (Marketing Letters, 2002)


 “Violating Conversational Conventions Disrupts Cognitive Processing of Attitude Questions,”

Holbrook, Allyson L. Jon A. Krosnick, Richard T. Carson and Robert Cameron Mitchell (Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 2000)


“Combining Sources of Preference Data for Modeling Complex Decision Processes,”

Louviere, Jordan J., Robert J. Meyer, David Bunch, Richard T. Carson, Benedict Delleart, W. Michael Hanemann, David Hensher, and Julie Irwin (Marketing Letters, 1999)


"Referendum Design and Contingent Valuation: The NOAA Panel's No-Vote Recommendation,"  

Carson, Richard T., W. Michael Hanemann, Raymond J. Kopp, Jon A. Krosnick, Robert C. Mitchell, Stanley Presser, Paul A. Ruud and V. Kerry Smith, (Review of Economics and Statistics, 1998)


"Sequencing and Valuing Public Goods,"

Carson, Richard T., Nicholas E. Flores and W. Michael Hanemann (Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 1998)


“Contingent Valuation: Theoretical Advances Since the NOAA Panel,”

Carson, Richard T. (American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1997)


"Modeling Response Incentive Effects in Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Data"
Alberini, Anna, Barbara Kanninen and Richard T. Carson (Land Economics, 1997)


“Temporal Reliability of Estimates from Contingent Valuation,”

Carson, Richard T., W. Michael Hanemann, Raymond J. Kopp, Jon A. Krosnick, Robert C. Mitchell, Stanley Presser, Paul A. Ruud and V. Kerry Smith (Land Economics, 1997)

 "The Relationship Between Income Elasticities of Demand and Willingness to Pay,"

Flores, Nicholas E. and Richard T. Carson (Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 1997)


"Contingent Valuation and Tests of Insensitivity to Scope,"

Carson, Richard T. in R.J. Kopp, W. Pommerhene, and N. Schwartz, eds., Determining the Value of Non-Marketed Goods:  Economic, Psychological, and Policy Relevant Aspects of Contingent Valuation Methods,  (Boston:  Kluwer, 1997)


"Broad Scale Missing Value Imputation with Iterative Binary Partitioning,"

Steinberg, Dan, Richard T. Carson and Leo Breiman In: David W. Scott, ed., Computer Science and Statistics: Proceedings of the 29th Symposium on the Interface (Interface Foundation of North America, 1998) (related unfunded NSF proposal)


 "Sequencing and Nesting in Contingent Valuation Surveys,"

Carson, Richard T. and Robert Cameron Mitchell (Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 1995)


"Current Issues in the Design, Administration, and Analysis of Contingent Valuation Surveys,"

Mitchell, Robert Cameron and Richard T. Carson in P.O. Johansson, B. Kristrom, and K.G. Mäler, eds., Current Issues in Environmental Economics (Manchester University Press, 1995)


"Experimental Analysis of Choice,"

Carson, Richard T., Jordan J. Louviere, Donald Anderson, Phipps Arabie, David Bunch, David Hensher, Richard M. Johnson, Warren F. Kuhfeld, Dan Steinberg, Joffre Swait, Harry Timmermans, and James B. Wiley (Marketing Letters, 1994)


"The Efficiency of Binary Discrete Choice Estimation,"

Alberini, Anna and Richard T. Carson

(Department of Economics, University of California, San Diego, Discussion Paper 90-34R, October 1993)


"Passive Use Values and Contingent Valuation: Introducing the Issues,"  

Carson, Richard T., Norman F. Meade and V. Kerry Smith (Choices, 1993)


"The Issue of Scope in Contingent Valuation Surveys,"

Carson, Richard T. and Robert Cameron Mitchell (American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1993)


"Contingent Valuation and the Legal Arena,"

Carson, Richard T. and Robert Cameron Mitchell In Raymond Kopp and V. Kerry Smith, eds., Natural Resource Damages. (Resources for the Future, 1993)


"Kakadu Conservation Zone,"

Carson, Richard T. In Kevin Ward and John Duffield, eds., Natural Resource Damages: Law and Economics. (Wiley, 1992)


"Models for Truncated Counts,"

Grogger, Jeffrey T. and Richard T. Carson (Journal of Applied Econometrics, 1991)


"Discounting Statistical Lives,"

Horowitz, John K. and Richard T. Carson (Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 1990)


"Experimental Design for Discrete Choice Voter Preference Surveys,"

Carson, Richard T. and Dan Steinberg (1989 Proceeding of the Survey Methodology Section of the American Statistical Association, 1990)


"How Far Out on the Learning Curve Are We with Contingent Valuation?,"

Mitchell, Robert Cameron and Richard T. Carson in Proceedings of the Conference on the Role of Social/Behavior Science in Water Resource Management (American Society of Civil Engineers/Engineering Foundation/Universities' Council on Water Resources, 1988).


"Evaluating the Validity of Contingent Valuation Studies,"

Mitchell, Robert Cameron and Richard T. Carson in George Peterson, B.L. Driver, and Robin Gregory, eds. (Amenity Resource Valuation: Integrating Economics With Other Disciplines (Venture Publishing, 1988).


"Robust Regression in the Presence of Heteroscedasticity,"

Carson, Richard T. and Shankar Subramanian (Advances in Econometrics, 1988)


"Fast Regression Quantiles Using a Modification of the Barrodale and Roberts L1 Algorithm,"

Fulton, Murray, Shankar Subramanian and Richard T. Carson (UCSD Department of Economics Discussion Paper 87-8, March 1987). (1985 version)


"SAS Macros for Bootstrapping and Cross Validating Regression Equations,"

Carson, Richard T. In: Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the SAS Users Group International (SAS Institute, 1985)


"A Robust Data Smooth Based on an L‑Estimator,"

Carson, Richard T. and Shankar Subramanian  (1985 Proceeding of the Statistical Computing Section of the American Statistical Association, 1986)


"Compensating for Missing Data and Invalid Responses in Contingent Valuation Surveys," Carson, Richard T. In: 1984 Proceedings of the Survey Research Section of the American Statistical Association (American Statistical Association, 1985).


"Ordinal and Dummy Variables: An Errors in Variables Approach,"

Carson, Richard T. Paper presented at Econometric Society Meeting, San Francisco, December 1983.



Other Environmental Economics Topics


 “Benefit Cost Analysis of Water Investments in the Anthropocene,”

Dale Whittington, Richard T. Carson and Thomas Sterner  (Water Economics and Policy, 2023)


“Precautionary Heuristic Management and Learning for Data-Poor Fisheries,”

Murray, Jason H. and Richard T. Carson (In: David Zilberman, Jeffrey M. Perloff, and Cyndi Berck, eds., Sustainable Resource Development in the 21st Century: Essays in Memory of Peter Berck, Springer, 2023).


 “Integrating Non-Targeted Ecosystem Services into Assessment of Natural Stormwater Treatment Systems,”

Le, Jennifer T., Jennifer P. Gonzalez, Richard T. Carson, Richard F. Ambrose, and Lisa A. Levin (Water, 2023).


“Funding Inclusive Green Transition through Greenhouse Gas Pricing,”

Sterner, Thomas, Richard Carson, Marc Hafstead, Peter Howard, Sverker Carlsson Jagers, Gunnar Köhlin, Ian Parry, Ryan Rafaty, E Somanatan, Jan Christoph Steckel, Dale Whittington, Francisco Alpizar, Stefan Ambec, Claudia Aravena, Jorge Bonilla,  Reza Che Daniels, Jorge Garcia, Niklas Harring,  Kanishka Kacker, Suzi Kerr, Haileselassie Medhin, Pham Khanh Nam, German Romero, Olof Johansson Stenman, Mike Toman,  Jintao Xu, and Min Wang), ifo Dice Report, 2020.


“Coastal Wetlands Reduce Property Damage During Tropical Cyclones,”

Sun, Fanglin and Richard Carson (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020)


 “Structural Uncertainty and Pollution Control: Optimal Stringency with Unknown Pollution Sources,” Carson, Richard T. and Jacob LaRiviere  (Environmental and Resource Economics, 2018)


“Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Environmental Management of Deep-Seabed Mining,”

Jennifer T. Le, Jennifer T., Lisa A. Levin and Richard T. Carson) Deep Sea Research Part II, 2017).


“Opportunities for Advances in Climate Change Economics: Target Carbon’s Costs, Policy Designs and Developing Countries,”

Burke, M. Craxton, C.D. Kolstad, C. Onda, H. Allcott, E. Baker, L. Barrage, R. Carson, K. Gillingham, J. Graff-Zivin, M. Greenstone, S. Hallegatte, W.M. Hanemann, G. Heal, S. Hsiang, B. Jones, D.L. Kelly, R. Kopp, M. Kotchen, R. Mendelsohn, K. Meng, G. Metcalf, J. Moreno-Cruz, R. Pindyck, S. Rose, I. Rudik, J. Stock and R. Tol (Science, 2016)


“Nonmarket Valuation and Water Resource Management,”

Carson, Richard T. In: Ariel Dinar and Kurt A. Schwabe, eds., The Handbook of Water Economics (Edward Elgar, 2015).


“Creation of Malaysia's Royal Belum State Park: A Case Study of Conservation in a Developing Country,"

Schwabe, Kurt A., Richard T. Carson, J.R. DeShazo, Matthew D. Potts, Ashley N. Reese and Jeffrey R. Vincent (Journal of Environment and Development, 2015)


“The Private and Social Economics of Bulk Electricity Storage,”

Carson, Richard T. and Kevin Novan (Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2013)


“Arsenic Mitigation in Bangladesh: A Household Labor Market Approach,”

Carson, Richard T., Phoebe Koundouri and Céline Nauges (American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2010)


“Environmental Kuznets Curve: Searching for Empirical Regularity and Theoretical Structure”

Carson, Richard T. (Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 2010)


“Fisheries Management Under Cyclical Population Dynamics,”

Carson, Richard T., Clive Granger, Jeremy Jackson and Wolfram Schlenker (Environmental and Resource Economics, 2009)


 “Discounting Behavior and Environmental Decisions,”

Carson, Richard T. and Brigitte Roth Tran (Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics, 2009)


“A Nested Logit Model of Recreational Fishing Demand in Alaska”

Carson, Richard T., W. Michael Hanemann and Thomas C. Wegge (Marine Resource Economics, 2009)


Conceptual Issues in Designing a Policy to Phase Out Metal-Based Antifouling Paints on Recreational Boats in San Diego Bay”

Carson, Richard T., Maria Damon, Leigh T. Johnson, and Jamie Gonzalez (Journal of Environmental Management, 2009)


“Forecasting the Path of China’s CO2 Emissions: Using Province Level Information,”

Auffhammer, Maximillian and Richard T. Carson (Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2008)


“Running on Air”

Carson, Richard T. and Nadja Marinova (UC Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation Policy Brief 13, 1999)


"The Relationship Between Air Pollution Emissions and Income:  U.S. Data,"

            Carson, Richard T., Yongil Jeon and Donald R. McCubbin (Environment and Development Economics, 1997)


"Baseline Risk and Preference for Reductions in Risk-to-Life,"  

Horowitz, John K. and Richard T. Carson (Risk Analysis, 1993)


"A Classification Tree for Predicting Consumer Preferences for Risk Reduction,"

Horowitz, John K. and Richard T. Carson (American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1991)


"Measuring the Benefits of Fresh Water Quality Changes: Techniques and Empirical Findings,"

Carson, Richard T. and Kerry Martin In: Ariel Dinar and David Zilberman, eds.,

The Economics and Management of Water and Drainage in Agriculture (Boston: Kluwer, 1991).


"Property Rights, Protest, and the Siting of Hazardous Waste Facilities,"

Mitchell, Robert Cameron and Richard T. Carson, (American Economic Review, 1986)


"Implications of Environmental Policy for U.S. Agriculture: The Case of Ambient Ozone,"

 Kopp, Raymond J., William J. Vaughan, Michael Hazilla, and Richard T. Carson (Journal of Environmental Management, 1985)


Energy Oriented Input‑Output Models for 1972 and 2000

Hoch, Irving and Richard T. Carson (Electric Power Research Institute, 1984).


"The Anglo-Icelandic Fisheries Disputes 1948‑1976: A Case Study of a Protracted Conflict,"

Carson, Richard T. (Master's Thesis, George Washington University, 1979).




Other Topics


“Perceptions of the Seriousness of Major Public Health Problems During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Seven Middle-Income Countries,”

Carson, Richard T., Michael Hanemann, Gunnar Kohlin, Wiktor Adamowicz, Thomas Sterner, Frankin Amuakwa-Mensah, Francisco Alpizar, Emily A. Kohassravi, Marc Jeuland, Jorge A. Bonilla, Jie-Sheng Tan-Soo, Pham Khanh Nam, Simon Wagura Ndiritu, Shivani Wadehra, Martin J. Chegere, Martine Visser, Nnaemeka A. Chukwuone and Dale Whittington (Communications in Medicine, 2023)


“Support for Regulation versus Compliance: Face Masks During COVID-19,”  

Kim, Dohyeong, Richard T. Carson, Dale Whittington and Michael Hanemann (Public Health in Practice, 2023)


 “The Risk of Caution: Evidence from an R&D Experiment,”

Carson, Richard T., Jeffrey Schrader, Jordan J. Louviere, Sally Sadoff and Joshua Graff Zivin (Management Science, 2022.)


“COVID-19’s U.S. Temperature Response Profile,” (Supplemental Material) (Errata)

Carson, Richard T., Samuel L. Carson, Thane K. Dye, Samuel A. Mayfield, Daniel C. Moyer and Chu A. Yu) (Environmental and Resource Economics, 2021)


"Determining the Influence of Reddit Posts on Wikipedia Pageviews,"

Moyer, Daniel, Richard T. Carson, Samuel L. Carson, Thayne Keegan Dye and David Goldbaum In: Proceedings of the Ninth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, 2015)


“Aggregation Issues in Forecasting Aggregate Demand: An Application to U.S. Commercial Air Travel,”

Carson, Richard T., Tolga Cenesizoglu and Roger Parker (International Journal of Forecasting, 2011)


“Exploring the Number of First Order Political Subdivisions Across Countries: Some Stylized Facts,”

Auffhammer, Maximillian and Richard T. Carson (Journal of Regional Science, 2009).


 “Archetypal Analysis: A New Way to Segment Markets Based on Extreme Individuals,”

Li, Gui, Paul Wang, and Jordan Louviere (in A Celebration of Ehrenberg and Bass:

Marketing Knowledge, Discoveries and Contribution, ANZMAC, 2003).


"On the Theory of Growth Controls,"

Engle, Robert F., Peter Navarro and Richard T. Carson (Journal of Urban Economics, 1992)


"Growth Controls: Policy Analysis for the Second Generation,"

Navarro, Peter and Richard T. Carson (Policy Sciences, 1991)


"An Examination of Systematic Differences in the Appreciation of Individual Housing Units,"

Kiel, Kathy A. and Richard T. Carson (Journal of Real Estate Research, 1990)


"A Seller's (& Buyer's) Guide to the Job Market for Beginning Academic Economists,"

Carson, Richard T. and Peter Navarro (Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1988)


"Fundamental Issues in Natural Resource Damage Assessment,"

Carson, Richard T. and Peter Navarro (Natural Resources Journal, 1988)


"A Method of Estimating the Personal Ideology of Political Representatives,"

Carson, Richard T. and Joe A. Oppenheimer (American Political Science Review, 1984)


Alaskan Fishing Data/Report

Alaska Exxon Valdez Report and Survey Instrument

Malaysia CBioD Project

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